CiviCRM at the South Bay Drupal Meetup (San Francisco Bay Area) - February 19th

2009-02-05 15:46
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I will be giving an informal presentation on CiviCRM and Drupal on February 19th at 5:30pm in Santa Clara, CA. If you're using CiviCRM with Drupal (or are considering it) - and you're in the Bay Area, it would be great if you could join us. Given that this is a Drupal Meetup, the focus will be on CiviCRM integration with Drupal. We'll review user registration and my account integration, online contribution pages and event registration. Then, depending on what the participants are interested in and how techie the audience is, we may spend some time looking at some of the integration modules (OG CiviCRM, Groups / Roles, Member / Roles), as well as Views2 integration and hooks. Meeting details and RSVP here
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