Earlier this month Evan posted a query about a CiviCRM AMI for Amazon EC2. Joe Murray responded with some proof of concept scripts along with the persistent storage space limitations in EC2. Seems like the folks at EC2 have been busy addressing these limitations and have introduced persistent storage support for EC2 (its currently in beta).
Blog posts by lobo
Most of you are probably aware that CiviCRM is developed and maintained by a team of dedicated developers spread around the world (India, Poland, USA and New Zealand). We have had regular team meeting over IM / Skype the past couple of years on a weekly basis. We figured it might make sense to try holding the meeting in a public forum so more community folks can participate in the development and running of CiviCRM.
The past few days we've been focussed on improving the user experience of CiviCRM. This also included optimizing page size and number of database queries invoked per page load. One of the things that has bothered me for some time was the inefficient implementation of the quickform hierarchical select widget for our case.
We released CiviCRM v2.0.3. This issue addresses a few issues in upgrade and fixes approx 20 bugs. We do not maintain a CHANGELOG (i think we need to start doing this), but you can see the list of changes here:
A few members of the CiviCRM core team (dave, yashodha, michal and kurund) are visiting us in Nelson, NZ. We get together a couple of times a year which is quite helpful when we all return to various parts of the globe. This also gives the team a chance to visit and explore new places.
The next NOSI/NTEN webinar will be on CiviCRM. The event is scheduled for April 29th, 11:00 am Pacific time. We'll be up bright and early and host this event from Nelson, NZ. We will give an overview of CiviCRM, examples of its use, and have lots of time for questions. Register on the NTEN Site. More details about the agenda can be found here.