Percentage Price Field

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2025-03-10

Works with CiviCRM 5.38 or higher.


This extension allows you to add an "Additional Percentage" field to any price set, which will automatically calculate and add an additional amount to a transaction, as a configurable percentage of other selected price set options.  

  • Want to ask donors to give an extra 3% to cover credit card processing fees?
  • Or to give an additional 10% of their membership fee to support a special project?  

Then you're in the right place.

Because it's a price set field, this option will

  • appear as a line item in contribution records and receipts,
  • allow configuration of financial type, label, help text, and other standard price field options, and
  • work equally well for contributions, memberships, events -- anywhere you can use a price set.

Tested with contribution pages and events, with sales tax, and with the CiviDiscount extension. (For proper CiviDiscount support, this extension must be installed after CiviDiscount.)