CiviCase Users Alert: Please wait for 4.5.1 before upgrading

2014-09-24 09:21
Written by

If your organization uses the CiviCase component, we strongly recommend that you do NOT upgrade your site to the 4.5.0 release. We have been alerted to a bug in the upgrade process which may adversely affect custom data, smart groups, and / or report data for existing case types. A fix for this will be included in the next release (4.5.1) which will be available in early October. You can follow progress on the issue tracker.

If you've already upgraded to 4.5, you can use the following steps to check for and correct data issues:

  • Navigate to Administer > Custom Data and review the Used For and Type columns in the listing. If you have custom data sets Used for "Cases" AND where specific case types are referenced you'll need to check that these sets are still linked to the correct case types. If not, edit the Settings and modify the Used For type(s).
  • If you have Smart Groups that reference specific case type(s), navigate to Manage Groups > Contacts (for that group). Then click 'Edit Smart Group Seach Criteria' and review / correct the case types used in the search.
  • If you have saved Report Instances which filter by specific case type(s), navigate to the report instance and verify or correct the filtered case types. Then Update the report.

Please use this topic in the community forums for any further discussion.