Civi Rules!

2014-10-01 02:54
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Last year we worked together with MAF Norway on the TriggerAction extension to help them with their fundraising donor journeys. They were able to find some initial funding so we developed like mad for a week to be able to start. The TriggerAction extension was a result of that hard work, and MAF Norway presented this at the London CiviCon on 25th September 2014.

Even though we are proud of what we managed to achieve in such a small timeframe and the MAF Norway is actually using the extension, we all think we need a second development sprint to improve the concept. We hope the session at CiviCon will help to find some additional funding and are really happy that MAF Norway wants to commit some of their budget once more for a next phase. We are planning for a sprint in the end of January 2015, and hopefully an additional one somewhere in March.

Jaap Jansma and me are now at the Edale CiviCRM sprint doing some of the ground work of what will be the extension CiviRules. Last year we developed like mad, this time we really want to have better preparation and think before we act :-) So we have been working on a framework and mockups. We are quite excited about what we have done so far, which is based on the Drupal Rules module. We decided not to 'simply' do some integration with the Rules module because that would mean only fundraising organisations using Drupal could benefit from our work. We think it is going to be important stuff for all fundraisers (and indeed for the whole community of CiviCRM users), so we want to develop this as a CMS independent CiviCRM extension.

CiviRules will have a combination of Events, Conditions and Actions. We invite you all to have a look at our wiki page . We would love feedback, and really hope that some other organisations will be prepared to fund some of the development too! If you are, please drop us a mail at

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