CiviCRM 6.0 Release

2025-03-06 06:43
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dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement

CiviCRM version 6.0.0 is now ready to download. This is a regular monthly release. Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade. The current version of ESR is CiviCRM 5.81.x.

This release is a new major version (6.x) but it is the continuation of the last 5.x monthly releases. CiviCRM 6 recognizes key improvements that have stabilized in the past year, such as Standalone (CiviCRM without a CMS), RiverLea, SearchKit and FormBuilder.

We are committed to keeping CiviCRM free and open, forever. We depend on your support to help make that happen. We thank all our partners, members and ESR subscribers, who are regular financial contributors. If you can, please donate.

What's new in CiviCRM 6.0

RiverLea: A New Theming System
Changing the look and feel of the CiviCRM admin interface is easier than ever thanks to RiverLea. Originally shipped as an option starting in December 2024, RiverLea is now the default theme for all new installations of CiviCRM (starting with version 6). RiverLea currently provides 4 "streams" (individual themes or styles) and include support for Dark Mode. Try them out under "Display Preferences".

FormBuilder Drafts
FormBuilder continues to improve with the new "save and finish later" option, making it easier than ever to build and manage more complex forms.

SearchKit Interface Improvements
A few nice little enhancments to help you manage your SearchKit searches: 1) it's now easier to add/remove tags from searches, which should help you keep your growing list of searches organized. 2) It's also easier to modify your results with functions such "Replace Text" or use of arithmetic.

Accessibility Improvements
In conjunction with the work on RiverLea, there is an increasing emphasis on accessibility with many improvements already in place over the previous CiviCRM themes. For CiviCRM 6, sets of tabs are now easier to navigate with a screen reader.

Big thanks to Andie Hunt, Alice Frumin and Jon Goldberg for putting up together release notes.

This release was developed by the following code authors:

AGH Strategies - Alice Frumin; Agileware - Justin Freeman; Artful Robot - Rich Lott; Benjamin W; BrightMinded Ltd - Bradley Taylor, Anwen Williams; Business & Code - Alain Benbassat; CiviCoop - Jaap Jansma; CiviCRM - Coleman Watts, Tim Otten; Coop SymbioTIC - Mathieu Lutfy, Shane Bill; Dave D; gitressa; JMA Consulting - Monish Deb, Seamus Lee; Megaphone Technology Consulting - Jon Goldberg; MJW Consulting - Matthew Wire; Mosier Consulting - Justin Mosier; Nicol Wistreich; Reflexive Communications - Sandor Semsey; Squiffle Consulting - Aidan Saunders; Tadpole Collective - Kevin Cristiano; Third Sector Design - Kurund Jalmi, William Mortada; Wikimedia Foundation - Eileen McNaughton.

Most authors also reviewed code for this release; in addition, the following reviewers contributed their comments:

Albrecht Schmidt; chumkui; Coop SymbioTIC - Samuel Vanhove; Daniel Strum; dev ALL IN APPLI; Francesc Bassas i Bullich; Fuzion - Luke Stewart, Peter Davis; Guydn; Jade Gaunt; JMA Consulting - Joe Murray; Lemniscus - Noah Miller; ozhamlet; Richard Baugh; Semper IT - Karin Gerritsen; Sjoerd Langkemper.

New Extensions

  • Simple Orders - Allows you to create simple orders. It will allow you to add/manage items, orders and order lines for items. It does not deal with prices.
  • Standalone Switch User - Allows logging in as other users without passwords, for testing purposes.
  • Mailchimp Sync - Sync contact names, emails, groups, interest groups, tags with Mailchimp.
  • CiviRules Extras - Provides useful extra functionality for CiviRules.
  • Hotfix: Extension Upgrade - Provides an option to download upgraded extensions. In CiviCRM 5.x, this mechanism is prone to sporadic errors -- such errors are usually invisible to developers but obvious to site-builders. This hotfix is aimed at site-builders.
  • Landing Pages - Add (landing) pages to your CiviCRM installation. Landing pages are just HTML pages that can contain text, images, and hyperlinks. You can use them to e.g. provide some handy shortcuts to your users, to document internal processes, to explain some best practices, etc.
  • Simplified Accounting - Alternative tracking for the accounting journal entries.

View all latest extensions

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We are committed to keeping CiviCRM free and open, forever. We depend on your support to help make that happen.

CiviCRM is community driven and is sustained through code contributions, software freedom from oligarchs, and financial support from its community. Help CiviCRM do a world of good.

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