Tadpole Collective

New York, United States




About Us

Our founding members met at the WordPress NYC MeetUp in 2011 and a year later came together to form Tadpole Collective. We recognize the value of open-source software and the communities that form around it; we owe our existence and livelihoods to WordPress and are deeply committed to the CiviCRM for WordPress project.

We’ve been working with CiviCRM since its earliest integration with WordPress, contributing our efforts to multiple CiviCRM teams on enhancements, extensions, bug fixes and upgrades — and taking the lead on testing all new CiviCRM release candidates to ensure ongoing compatibility with WordPress. While there are many web shops that are competent with CiviCRM for WordPress, we work exclusively with WordPress, the internet’s most popular CMS. Tadpole members also organize CiviDay activities in New York City to provide a forum for local CiviCRM users to come together for educational presentations and collaborative work sessions

Our CiviCRM Services

Tadpole Collective specializes in integrating CiviCRM with WordPress. We help not-for-profit organizations of all sizes get better organized by designing, implementing, and supporting custom CiviCRM solutions that meet their specific needs. From basic contact management for improved communications and outreach to multi-tiered membership and renewal systems, Tadpole has experience working with a diverse range of clients on a variety of web projects. Our approach and methodology provides a framework for publishing and managing content from within WordPress while leveraging all the features of CiviCRM to manage contacts, events and donations.

Visit our website for example work and more information about our capabilities.