RiverLea Theme Framework

Development Status
Work In Progress
Active Installs

Last updated: 2024-10-31

Works with CiviCRM 5.75 or higher.

RiverLea is now part of CiviCRM Core

The extension is part of CiviCRM core (version 5.80 and later). This means that you do not need to install or update it manually. This page is kept only for documentation and statistics.

We have left the status as "Work in Progress" so that it does not encourage administrators to upgrade when new versions of the extension are available (the new version will be installed when admins upgrade CiviCRM itself).

About RiverLea

Theme architecture for CiviCRM that separates visual/UI CSS from structural CSS using CSS variables. Installing it provides you with four subthemes or 'Streams':

  • Minetta, named after the river that runs under Greenwich, NYC, based on Civi's default 'Greenwich' theme.
  • Walbrook, named after the river that runs under Shoreditch, London. It is based on Shoreditch/TheIsland theme.
  • Hackney, named after the river that runs under Finsbury Park, based on Finsbury Park theme.
  • Thames, named after the river that runs close to Artful Robot HQ, based on their Aah theme.

Use in Front-End CiviCRM

Use with caution and testing. While RiverLea has been widely tested in the backend of CiviCRM, given the wide number of themes and scenarios for front-end pages, for existing sites we recommend only applying it on a dev site, or after extensive testing of your front-end Civi layouts.