Partner Resources

Thousands of organizations around the world rely on CiviCRM to achieve their missions and do a world of good. Your support as a partner not only funds the project and the Core Team, it sustains the software for each and every organization that relies on it. You’ve truly done a good thing! And while that in and of itself is often sufficient reward, we do offer additional benefits and resources covered on this page.

These do change periodically, and we typically announce these changes via chat and the partner Google group. Most of these resources, or links to them, can be found on your user dashboard. This is a long list, but here’s a quick overview (if you have questions, please get in touch with us)...

About CiviCRM

Communications & support

Marketing, promotion & benefits

  • Add in case studies (add here) - partners and contributors can add in case studies which appear under your company’s detail page.
  • Homepage case study highlight - you can occasionally highlight a particular case study on the CiviCRM homepage. This is managed by the Core Team and we try to strike a balance in the number sliders up per partner.
  • Add in blog posts - anybody can do this, however this is a great way to contribute and help raise awareness about CiviCRM. Blog posts should be informative and interesting and, for partners, can include tasteful promotion of services or offerings.
  • Host demos - the demo page at CiviCRM is the #2 most visited page and offers an opportunity for partners to provided branded demos. These need to be maintained and supported, and can include registration walls (though this needs to be specified up front). Likewise, they can be ‘flavored’ towards sectors (like “CiviCRM for faith-based organizations”) or can include specific functionality (“CiviCRM + CiviVolunteer”).
  • Core Team rate discount - partners receive a 30% discount on Core Team rates.
  • CiviConnect - partners can leverage CiviConnect to connect and monetize 3rd party or in-house services. Note that the base level for all such services should be free or reduced for members-only as incentive for the CiviCRM member program.
  • Core Team referrals - we’ve disabled the service providers forum and now direct all traffic to CiviCRM partners. For those that reach out to us directly, we will help qualify their needs and refer them to 3 partners in exchange for a 10% referral fee for the total project billing or first year earnings.
  • Big game hunting - the Core Team can take part in the sales process, development and project management of large scale projects for partners wanting that level of assistance. These are evaluated on a case by case basis.
  • Post jobs on CiviCRM - you can post jobs freely on CiviCRM and have them promoted across CiviCRM’s User New and social media.
  • Enroll subsidiary companies or ancillary lines of business as CiviCRM partners at 1/2 off normal rates, not to exceed the level of the parent company. Use discount code "additionalpartner" when signing up.


CiviCRM Spark is an introductory, hosted version of CiviCRM intended to accelerate new user onboarding. While it provides a wide range of CiviCRM's feature set, it is limited in the number of contacts and emailings that can be sent. It is managed by the Core Team. As a partner, we encourage you to promote Spark for new potential users that are not yet ready to manage the free download or work directly with a partner. For those that you refer, you are able to tag them at signup such that we can track and refer them back to you once they've graduated out of Spark.

Simply use: where 1234 is your CiviCRM Contact ID. That's it!


  • Add a member benefit (add benefit here) - end user organizations that support CiviCRM are members, and represent a significant source of potential funding. We ask that partners consider and periodically offer benefits to incentivize member adoption and to promote partner business.
  • Register members @ 25% discount - as a partner, you can register your clients such that they receive full member benefits (requires annual payment). We don’t solicit them in any way and work directly with you to tailor any messages we do send.
  • Member only Mattermost channel - the Core Team maintains a member only channel that is open to members and partners, offering ‘priority response’ for support issues. Note that this is not the primary vehicle for support… members should use Stack Exchange for support and can link to it via the Mattermost channel. Partner participation is optional.


  • 20% off event registrations - don’t forget that you and your staff receive 30% off official CiviCRM events including trainings. Currently, this does not include sprints as these are typically at cost.
  • 25% off event sponsorships - you receive 25% off any level of event sponsorship for CiviCRM events. You also can access an additional 5% off as a global sponsor if you support 2 or more events.
  • Post trainings on - partners can post workshops and trainings online and they’ll be promoted in CiviCRM’s User News.
  • Periodic webinars - the Core Team occasionally does development webinars for partners to help review project status and direction, as well as introduce new techniques and changes within our work.
  • Represent CiviCRM at external events - proceeds from CiviCRM events are earmarked for marketing and allow us to send partners to external events (like CMS events) to represent CiviCRM. We like to see partners presenting on CiviCRM and raising awareness of it to both potential users as well as service providers.

Our policies & guidelines

This is the boring but all important stuff that helps put some structure behind everyone's efforts.