Blog posts by andyw

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By andyw Filed under Extensions
What is Bitcoin?

So you may have heard about Bitcoin, some of you might be quite familiar with it - but for those who aren't, it is a digital currency - a form of electronic cash which can be used to make online payments, transfer money to friends - in theory, anything that you can do with traditional money, you can equally do with Bitcoin.

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By andyw Filed under Extensions

We recently had a client using Rajesh's civicrm_offline_recurring_payment module, but they were wanting to also upgrade their CMS to Drupal 7, so we've put together an extension version which should now support any of the CMSes supported by Civi. You can install it via the Manage Extensions page, and it supports versions 4.1, 4.2 and 4.3 at the current time of writing.

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By andywFiled under

Following the 2012 London Code Sprint, a number of new features were added to the CiviCRM payment extensions framework, with a view to providing a programming interface for fully self-contained payment extensions, which can be installed and uninstalled via a single click.

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