New extension for exporting non-public events to google Calendar

2016-01-14 09:12
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I have just published an extension we (CiviCooP) developed for Coordinatie Vluchtelingen Vrijwilligers Ede (CVVE) CVVE is facilitating the organisation of activities for refugees in Ede. Many activities are organised by willing citizens and CVVE is the bridge between those citizens and the refuees. So to keep track of everything which is going CVVE needed an export of the events in their Google Calendar.

The core civicrm functionality allows an iCal export to Google Calendar but only for public events.CVVE also has non public events. This extension does creates an iCal export including the non-public events. It adds a link which you then could add to your google calendar as an external calendar and then private events will show up in your google calendar.

For more details and downloads visit:

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