News for Drupal Webform Users

2013-07-24 10:57
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If you use the Drupal Webform-CiviCRM Integration module, pay attention for a sec, you're going to want to know this:

In order to keep up with the evolution of CiviCRM and the Webform module, I've forked the Webform-CiviCRM Integration project and started work on version 4. It will be compatible with the upcoming Webform 4 and CiviCRM 4.4 (a nice convergence of the number 4). Version 3 of this module will not work with those, so when you upgrade one of those modules, you'll need to upgrade the other 2 as well.  If that's not making sense, here it is in a table:

Webform-CiviCRM Integration Drupal Webform CiviCRM
Version 2 works with: 6 3 4.1-4.3
Version 3 works with: 7 3 4.1-4.3
Version 4 works with: 7 4 4.4

What if you're already using Webform 4?

Some people have already started using Webform version 4. It's still in Alpha, and the early 4.x-alpha versions weren't too different from version 3 so they actually did work with Webform-CiviCRM. My advice for you early adopers would be to stop upgrading. Because as of alpha-7 it has finally diverged enough that it's just not going to work nicely with Webform-CiviCRM 3 anymore. But if you stay on Webform 4-alpha6, you're good. Just hang in there for a little while until CiviCRM 4.4 and Webform-CiviCRM 4 are released, and then you can keep on upgrading to the latest version of Webform.

Coming Soon: Payment Integration

What's new in Webform-CiviCRM 4? The big news is payment integration with CiviContribute, CiviMember, and CiviEvent. You'll be able to set up a webform that can actually collect money for those things, along with all the other great benefits of a Webform like multiple event/membership regestration. You can read more about it here:

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