
2013-11-28 15:06
Written by
ChrisChinchilla - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

This may be a blog post I expand upon later…

I've seen mentions around the interwebs of socialCRM tools for CiviCRM and what I want to know is… Has anyone started any kind of code or prototyping this idea? If not, I may make a start and anyone else interested in lending a hand… Let me know.

Slightly vague in terms of feature set right now, but take a read through the following links to get an idea:

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Anonymous (not verified)
2013-11-30 - 06:14

Adding Social CRM functionality to CiviCRM would be huge for my organization. In fact, the lack of this functionality is the only reason we are beginning to look at competitors for the first time.  I agree that integrating with existing Social CRM services would be a great first step. 

Anonymous (not verified)
2014-03-13 - 08:35

Hi Chris - have your thoughts evolved on this at all?  Civicrm seems far behind in terms of social integration.  Would apreciate any updates or even a forum to discuss best practices / recipies.  

Anonymous (not verified)
2015-11-16 - 05:08


I'm not sure if this was completed but I'm working on building a service that can gather all the contacts details from all the socials services (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Klout) and feed them into civicrm.

I'm just wondering if anyone want's to team up to help or if there is anyone that would like this extention plug-in contact me via contact us form on my website
