Better Message Templates

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2024-03-13

Works with CiviCRM 5.46 or higher.

  • Easily search both User-Driven and System Workflow templates for contained text.
  • Automatically inject a common header and/or footer into all System Workflow messages for easy branding.
  • Edit template content using the Monaco code editor that powers Microsoft VS Code.
  • Translation
    • Create a language translation for any number of available languages.
    • Create a draft for any language translation or the standard variant.
    • Easily switch between them, without having to reload/edit them individually.
  • Outline Tool
    • Helps you understand the structure of the template.
    • See what symbols are used and where they are used.
    • Click content in the outline to highlight it in the editor.
  • Preview Tool
    • When a message template is sent to a user, the data is automatically captured and available as a sample.
    • See how the template is rendered.
    • Change sample values to see how it affects the display.
    • Send the sample as an email to verify how it is displayed by your email client.
  • Compare Tool
    • A new template revision is created each time a template is saved, regardless of which UI saved it.
    • A new system default revision is created whenever they are updated by CiviCRM.
    • Compare current template against any of those revisions.
    • Choose between an integrated or side-by-side difference editor.
Screenshot (click to enlarge)