GoCardless Direct Debit Payment Processor for CiviCRM

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2024-05-24

Works with CiviCRM 5.70 or higher.

This extension is working well for collecting regular donations/memberships from UK supporters.

Using it you can enable supporters to set up direct debits and every month when GoCardless takes payment this extension adds to and updates your CiviCRM contributions automatically. If someone cancels their Direct Debit this also updates your CiviCRM records. This extension uses the latest GoCardless API. You can also amend and cancel subscriptions from within CiviCRM's interface.

Please see the README file for development details.

Nb. There is another GoCardless extension available by Veda Consulting which allows using GoCardless to set up mandates but nothing else. You should choose this extension, not that one, as this extension was built later using the newer GoCardless API, has more features (as outlined above), and has been actively maintained since Nov 2016 by Artful Robot.