Time Tracker

Development Status
Active Installs

Last updated: 2023-05-29

Works with CiviCRM 5.45 or higher.

The TimeTracker extension is a CiviCRM component that enables new project functionality for CiviCRM and CiviMobile.

TimeTracker is CiviCRM extension that helps users create projects, add tasks for them, assign performers and generate time spent reports. It allows us to create several task types and use them in Task creation. Its functionality enables the possibility of time tracking within the chosen project. In addition, you can have a detailed report of personnel workload and volunteers’ engagement. It is also working with CiviMobile where user can view project, assign himself/herself to task, log time for assigned task.

You can assign contacts to a certain project and give them the opportunity to choose a task they want to do. A person assigned to a project can take on more than one task.

For better management we added two new roles: Owner and Manager. As a user with restricted permission can only assign himself to task and log time, while Manager of project has extra ability to create tasks and Owner can edit current project.

This extension and it’s mobile version can be useful for an organization that wants to be on the track with employees/volunteers workload, have a better understanding of budget for certain project and arrange project related tasks.