Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Shows how your group has grown (or shrunk!) over time in a chart.
Current Usage: 34
This extension uses the cssin library (https://github.com/djfm/cssin) to convert style sheet links to inline css. This is important for content that is going to a gmail account to render correctly. Also, it makes it easier to see the same thing in your browser as the final email.
Current Usage: 34
Allows the ability to set the button label on the Register and Confirm page of the event.
Current Usage: 33
CiviCRM payment processor extension for eWAY which uses the latest eWAY Rapid API and ensures PCI DSS compliance. Requires eWAY account.
Current Usage: 33
Allows sending emails to a previously defined selection of contacts. MailBatch can not only be used for contacts, but also for a selection of donations. For example, an appropriate number of donations can be selected and a thank you letter sent to the corresponding donors.
If you use MailBatch, you are no longer bound by the standard restriction of not sending more than 50 mails at a time.
The MailBatch extension is closely related to the MailAttachments extension. The extension MailAttachments enables a file to be attached to a mail. Different attachment types are distinguished: File On Server, CiviOffice Document and Contribution Invoice.
Current Usage: 32
The extension synchronize contacts from CiviCRM groups to Google Groups. The extension uses Google's directory API to sync Google Groups member list with that of contacts in CiviCRM Groups. The extension supports latest version of CiviCRM ver 5.x and based on Google Client Library v2.x.
Current Usage: 32
Control who can see which contact notes. This extension will create a CMS permission for every additional Privacy level you create. Notes for which a user has no permission will be hidden.
Current Usage: 32
Creates a "confirm email address" field for profiles to ensure users enter the same email address twice, thus reducing typos.
Current Usage: 32
This extensions will give admins a notification bubble if any of CiviCRM's database queries is taking a very long time, and gives you the options to stop (i.e. "kill") it. Use this with caution.

You can also set up a cron job to drop you an email in case such a long-running query is detected.
Current Usage: 31
Intergalactic duct-tape to simplify the CiviCRM user experience. In other words, they are experiments and short-term solutions to try and simplify the CiviCRM interface, which can be highly subjective.
Current Usage: 31
Transforms a checkbox custom field into a grid for selecting availabilities in the week.
Current Usage: 31
A kindly theme with Bootstrap support.
Current Usage: 31
Current Usage: 31
Create templates for Contacts and Contributions.
Current Usage: 30