Cool Features in the Upcoming 1.6 Release

2006-11-27 15:06
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We're pretty excited about the cool new features in the upcoming 1.6 release (now in Alpha) - and want to encourage folks to check out / play with these features on the Public Sandbox. So... open the sandbox in a separate window - then login (user = demo, password = demo) and try these out...
  • The quick "Contact Search" block in the left column uses a suggestive search widget which finds contacts as you type in letters. Try typing in "ada" and see what happens.
  • Site Administrators no longer have to struggle with editing civicrm.settings.php to set and modify site configuration. Most settings are now controlled from the Admin Control Panel » Global Settings section.
  • The contact summary screen now uses an Ajax-based tab widget to make it faster and easier to look at different types of info about a contact (e.g. Contributions, Relationships, Memberships, etc.). Check out it here.
  • You can use a CiviCRM Profile to display a custom bulk update "grid" which allows you to edit selected fields for multiple contacts on a single screen. For example, from Find Contacts... search on Contact Type = "Individual" and Name = "ada". Then select "Batch Update via Profile" from the actions drop-down. For even more fun, try clicking the "Copy..." icon next to one of the column headers once you've got the grid loaded.
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