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2007-06-12 22:24
In 1.7, event management was added to CiviCRM. The timing on this was good for us (Ideal Solution, LLC), and allowed us to use CiviCRM for a customer who primarily wanted to allow members to sign up for events, such as conferences. The difficulty was that conferences typically have multiple options, each with its own additional price: basic registration, meals, guests, etc. Each additional option increases the total number of possible combinations. Price Sets were added to manage this.
With price sets, you can have any number of fields, each with any number of options. Each field is either a text input (for if you want a certain quantity of something), a select box, radio buttons, or checkboxes. Each option, of course, also has an associated price. When a form with a price set is submitted, a summary of prices is displayed on the confirmation screen, and also on the thank you screen and email receipt. It is still possible to use fee levels for events which don't require price sets.
At this time, only Phase 1 is complete.