We in NFPservies have some client using secure.worldpay as their payment processor and it was always an issue in making it work and now worldpay has introduced online.worldpay gateway with API reference which are easy and quicker than before
Earlier in secure.worldpay gateway we used to redirect from CiviCRM to secure.worldpay website and process all the card details and then it will be passed over to CiviCRM website and we process the details. But, in online.worldpay we are using API for creating Tokens and Card Authorize. so no more redirection. Also the processes is straight forward and quicker
This Extension is based on online.worldpay.com - https://online.worldpay.com/
Please make sure you have an account with https://online.worldpay.com/
To install the uk.co.nfpservice.module.worldpay, move the uk.co.nfpservice.module.worldpay directory to your civicrm Custom extension folder directory and Install the extension.
Please obtain the service key and client key from your online.worldpay.com account setting
This extension uses https://api.worldpay.com/v1/ api for accessing the website. This link might change from time to time so please make sure you are using the correct URL given by your Online Worldpay Account.
For more documentation regarding the API please refer to https://online.worldpay.com/docs
- Recurring Payment.
- Webhook Integration.
This module was developed based on CiviCRM 4.6 and Drupal 7.x. - hasn't been tested in any other version.
Please give a test and if you want to use it in lower or higher version. Please feel free to contact me if you have any issues. You can find the contact details at the footer of this document.
Currently tested in CiviCRM 4.6 / Drupal 7.x with Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.x - 7.14
you can download the Extension from CiviCRM Extension folder or from GitHub https://github.com/rameshrr99/uk.co.nfpservice.onlineworldpay