Spring trainings announced - DC and Atlanta

2014-02-19 15:28
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It's starting to thaw here in DC now, so I'd like to bring you thoughts of spring—specifically a series of CiviCRM trainings to help you and your colleagues get the most out of your system.  My colleague Jane Hanley and I are gearing up for a busy season of programs.

In addition to full two-day user and administrator trainings in Washington, DC and Atlanta, we're also starting a new cycle of specialized trainings for super users, Drupal and WordPress integration features, and components like CiviEvent, CiviMember, and CiviMail.

The first User and Administrator Training will be here in Washington on March 11 and 12, in advance of the NTEN Nonprofit Technology Conference. In addition, we'll be offering another User and Administrator Training in Atlanta, Georgia, May 8 and 9. Registration is open for both:

The series of short workshops we offer at AGH Strategies in DC will continue following the March User and Administrator training. Experienced users can go in-depth with the day-long Super User training, learning tools that can help them be a resource to their colleagues. Bring program staff to the CiviEvent session, and help communications and fundraising staff become more familiar with CiviMail in our comprehensive training for the bulk mail and subscription features.

You can read more and get the full schedule at http://aghstrategies.com/training-support

Is there a topic you'd like to see covered in a training, or would you like us to bring a session to your city?  Drop us a note!

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