CiviCamp Montreal: First presentations announced

2024-02-01 16:45
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Don't miss the first 2024 North American CiviCRM conference on February 28!

CiviCamp Montreal is around the corner, just four weeks away!

Presentations Preview

The organization team is happy to announce the first presentations lined up for the day. Presentations and lightning talks will appeal to anyone who is interested in CiviCRM - from those who are just getting started to those that have been using it for years.

CiviCRM Core Team and Community Council Update
A review of recent developments and upcoming plans for the CiviCRM Core Team and CiviCRM Community Council.

How to use CiviMobile
CiviMobile is a native mobile application that allows CiviCRM users to leverage the combined benefits of CiviCRM with their smartphones.

Overview of Search Kit and Form Builder
SearchKit and FormBuilder are recent additions to CiviCRM that make a huge improvement to how you can get data into and out of CiviCRM.

Custom shopping cart for events
How to leverage Drupal Commerce's powerful user experience with CiviCRM's data structure and reporting capabilities for event registration management.

How to use the CDN Tax Receipt extension
A powerful extension used by over 1000 charitable organizations across Canada.

Case study on a CiviCRM WordPress implementation
Learn about features and processes implemented with CiviCRM and WordPress for a French nonprofit organization.

NEW! CiviClinic: Ask an Expert

Open question and answer sessions led by CiviCRM experts would be available.

Come along to the CiviClinic to learn from CiviCRM experts on how to solve a CiviCRM issue you are experiencing or just to ask questions.

CiviCRM core team members and CiviCRM partners from US and Canada would be happy to answer all your questions. CiviCRM experts speaking French would be available as well if you prefer to have the discussion in French.

If you haven't already registered for the conference, don't wait.
Early Pricing ends on February 10!