Fundamentals of Mass Emailing: CiviMail and Mosaico online training March 4th

2020-02-27 13:52
Written by
cividesk - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Register for Cividesk's online training session the Fundamentals of Mass Emailing on March 4th at 9 am MT/ 10 am CT/ 11 am ET. 

This training session will cover traditional CiviMail and Mosaico, the extension that allows for drag and drop template creation.  We will focus on all the steps necessary for a successful email campaign, whether you are formatting a membership renewal letter sent via CiviMail or a monthly newsletter created in Mosaico and sent to all your contacts.  Learn how to create and manage mailing lists and put together a stand-alone form for newsletter sign up to increase your outreach.  

Contact Cividesk Training Manager Susan Engeman with any questions, sorry recorded versions of the training are not available. 



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