2.0 Beta 3 Released

2008-02-27 09:33
Written by
The Beta 3 release of CiviCRM 2.0 is now available for download on SourceForge. As Lobo noted in his blog, the 2.0 beta series has gotten really good community feedback and testing. However, we'd like to increase the number of downloads and installs for Beta 3. Check this out if you need convincing that downloading this beta is worth your time! If you've already installed 2.0 beta 1 or 2 - and have reported issues - please take the time to install beta 3 and verify that your issues have been resolved. There were minor database changes in beta 3 - to fix a few bugs. You'll need to run the SQL statements listed here if you want to keep working with your beta 1 or 2 database (rather than installing a new DB / re-upgrading your 1.9 DB).  

New 2.0 Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 2.0 Beta from scratch, use the installation instructions linked below:  

Upgrading from 1.9 to 2.0

If you are upgrading an existing 1.9 site (working with a copy of the site, of course), we have provided a browser-based database upgrade script. Instructions for upgrading are here: If you are working with a database that was initially created prior to 1.9 - be sure to follow the steps to Ensure Schema Integrity that are included in these instructions.  

Reporting Issues and Bugs

We look forward to getting your feedback on the release in the coming days. If you have questions installing, upgrading and / or using 2.0 feature - or you're seeing a problem and you're not sure if it's a bug - please post your issue to the 2.0 release testing section of the community forums. Include as many specifics as possible about the issue or question. Bugs should be reported via our issue tracking system. Please select 2.0 in the ‘Affects Version’ dropdown. You will need to register as a user – this ensures that we can follow-up with you on your bug reports if necessary. Please ensure that the bug you’ve found is not reported already by checking the open issues listing.