Contribution Totals Charting using Google Chart API

2008-09-22 16:35
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One of the many cool new features in 2.1 is the ability to view annual and monthly contribution totals in a bar or pie chart format by clicking a link on the CiviContribute dashboard. The charts are rendered by passing the contribution totals to Google's Chart API. We think this is a useful feature (at least for some folks). However, several folks on our team have noted that some organizations may not be comfortable with passing contribution totals to an external service over the internet. Given those concerns, we've added some help text which attempts to make things "transparent" - and including information about removing the link for folks who are concerned...
IMPORTANT: This feature uses Google's public chart-drawing service. Your monthly and annual contribution totals will be sent over the internet to Google's servers. No contributor data is sent - only totals. However, if you are concerned about the privacy of your contribution totals - you should NOT use this feature. You can remove the link by editing the template file at templates/CRM/Contribution/Page/Dashboard.tpl.
It would be helpful to get feedback from the community about how big a concern this is - and whether the explanation we've added to the help text (copied above) is clear.


I think that it the text is very clear. I would either add a bit more detail to help less technical users find the proper line or a link to a page in the wiki showing how to remove it.

This is not a concern for us as we are very transparent in our financial accounting as a non-profit and would not be concerned about aggregate totals being passed. If one is going to post the total on the web for the whole world to see, it is not a concern to me that the numbers pass through someone's server.