Customizing CiviCRM Screens

2007-05-15 11:23
Written by
Dave Greenberg - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
An excellent question was posted on the forum yesterday about how to modify a CiviCRM Profile screen. This prompted me to finally put together some documentation on the cool "customized templates" feature that was added in 1.7. Customizing CiviCRM Screens Using this feature - folks can tweak existing screens (including Profile-based forms and listings) without requiring advanced programming skills. The templates are a combination of HTML and some fairly simple scripting code (we use the Smarty templating language). So, if you've wanted to move stuff around (or even remove things) in a CiviCRM screen to better suit your organization / users' needs - check out this documentation and give it a try. And don't forget to let us know how it works for you!