CiviCRM 5.10.0 release

2019-02-07 04:18
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CiviCRM version 5.10.0 is now ready to download. 


Big thanks to Andrew Hunt from AGH Strategies for putting up together release notes for this version. 
The release notes for 5.10.0 can be accessed here.


The complete list of 5.10.0 contributors (it's a huge team!) can be found here. Thanks to everyone for making this release happen!
This version includes:
  1. API changes
  2. New features
  3. Fixes to bugs



  •  Core CiviCRM updates:

Support custom-data sub-type on entity-form (for activity/relationship types)

This change makes it so that users can see and edit custom data for entity sub-types (like activity types and relationship types).here.


Language switcher for all

This change introduces a new setting to the settings page for Localization "UI Languages" for users in monolingual mode (not using multilingual). Configuring this setting results in the Language Switcher block being shown (same as in multilingual mode).here.


Improved support for case variability in UF API calls

This change makes it so that the API will accept "UFgroup" and "ufgroup" as the


  •  CiviCase updates:

Differentiate case relationships in Contact Summary page

On the Relationship tab of a contact, this change adds a case icon for each case relationship to denote that the relationship is related to a case. This icon is linked to the case so one can easily access the case from the


Cache case count when getting list of cases so query is executed once instead of three times

This change improves performance on the Case Dashboard when listing



  • CiviContribute updates:

Add default of TRUE for is_active on PaymentProcessor.create api.

This change makes it so that when using the API with the entity Payment Processor and the action create, the parameter "is_active" defaults to TRUE like the UFGroup, CustomGroup, ComtributionPage entities

This release also includes a number of bug fixes and other improvements, so please check the complete list of changes by following this link.



If you are installing CiviCRM 5.10.0 from scratch, please use the corresponding automated installer instructions:
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