CiviCRM 5.11.0 release

2019-03-07 04:09
Written by
dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement
CiviCRM version 5.11.0 is now out and ready to download. Following 5.10 security release, this release focuses on bug fixes and other improvements. If you have already upgraded to 5.10, it's recommended you review the release notes and consider upgrading. 


Big thanks to Andrew Hunt from AGH Strategies for putting up together release notes for this version. 
The release notes for 5.11.0 can be accessed here.


The complete list of 5.11.0 contributors (it's a huge team!) can be found here. Thanks to everyone for making this release happen!
This version includes:
  1. API changes
  2. New features
  3. Fixes to bugs
  4. Fix problems installing or upgrading to a previous version



  •  Core CiviCRM updates:

Replace jcalendar instances with datepicker

These changes switch fields that store dates from using jcalendar to use the datepicker in the following places: the grant task form fields, grant search fields, campaign date fields and activity followup form fields. More details available here.

Non-translatable fields in profile schema

This change adds the ability to set translated text for the Submit and Cancel buttons on a profile. More details available here.

Add basic contact filters to Summary Contributions Report

This change adds the basic contact filters and columns to the Summary Contributions ReportMore details available here.

Respect pre hook for relationship to alter id in $params 

This change makes it so developers can use the pre hook to alter the id in $params for Relationships. More details available here.


  • CiviContribute

Speed up loading of contribution tab on contacts with a large number of contributions in a large database 

This change enhances performance when loading the contribution tab on a contact. More details available here.

CRM/Contribute - Add query optimization for creditnote_id
This change improves performance when cancelling or refunding contributions. More details available here
  • Backdrop Integration

This change adds an editor config file, that makes it so Editors that respect .editorconfig settings will default to double-space-indented code as is the Wordpress code style norm. More details at this link.



This release also includes a number of bug fixes and other improvements, so please check the complete list of changes by following this link.



If you are installing CiviCRM 5.11.0 from scratch, please use the corresponding automated installer instructions:
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