ERD for CiviCase version 3.3

2012-11-20 00:50
Written by
ErikHommel - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Just created a quick ERD for CiviCase, and shared it on this page

It is version 3.3, so not the latest and greatest. But I am sure I will have to check the same ERD for version 4 at a near point in the future and update the ERD too. And I do not think there are major differences in the data model......

I have also attached the ERD to this blog post.


2012-11-23 - 22:26

Is there a link from civicrm_case to civicrm_relationship? The line seems to pass under civicrm_activity and civicrm_case activity. It took ne a few minutes to understand why there were two lines joining civicrm_case and civicrm_case_activity. Doh!

Anonymous (not verified)
2012-12-08 - 04:31

I agree - the line connecting civicrm_case and civicrm_case_activity should not go behind the box for civicrm_case_activity - that box should have been dragged out of the way to make the diagram easier to read.

Thanks for doing this though.    :-)
