CiviCRM Gets Rave Reviews

2024-05-22 05:33
Written by
jamienovick - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Hello once again Civi Community!

Recently, I’ve been posting about Drupal 7 & CiviCRM, but today I’m back with some amazing news that some of you may have already seen. It’s also an update to my previous blog post back at the end of February.

CiviCRM voted one of the best charity CRMs 

Every year Fundraising Magazine, the UK’s only printed magazine for professional charity fundraisers, conducts a survey to spotlight the best charity CRMs.

This year’s survey is out - with over 500 respondents!

Those of you who read the previous post or have followed the survey in recent years might remember that CiviCRM previously didn’t even feature in the report - instead featuring only under the nameless ‘other’ category. This is staggering considering the over 1,400 sites in the UK. 

So this year, we made a concerted effort, with your help, to get Civi its rightful place on the report.

And we’re very proud to reveal that CiviCRM not only got one of the highest response rates, but it also ranked 2nd on the overall rankings (and no 1 for price!).

So what do the results look like for CiviCRM?

Across the board, on every assessed metric, CiviCRM was one of only 3 CRMs that consistently scored 4.0/5.0 or above.

Some metrics CiviCRM scored particularly highly on were its functionality, cost, and ability to be customised, with a 4.6 in each category.

We were the most widely used CRM for charities earning under £1m and had a notable footprint among charities with incomes between £1m and £10m.

And finally, a colossal 96% of CiviCRM respondents would recommend their current supplier! To put that into some context, only 3 out of the 12 named CRMs scored over 90%. Some large names in the CRM industry, such as Salesforce or Microsoft Dynamics scored substantially lower (75% and 31% respectively).

If you’d like to see the report itself, Compuco has received permission from Fundraising Magazine to share it in full and you can request a copy here.

A massive thanks

As noted above, the only reason we are featured in the report this year with such glowing results is because of those of you who took time out of your day to fill in this report.

It’s a powerful testament to the joint effort of the community to create a powerful CRM accessible to all that Civi has scored so highly across the board.

We are very thankful to every single one of you who has helped with this. You have helped us get CiviCRM’s name in a place where charities looking for new CRMs will see it prominently as a fantastic option to explore. We couldn’t be happier with this result and we hope it brings more members to our already vibrant community!


This is really great news, thanks for sharing Jamie and it's good to see this great feedback from the users!

2024-05-28 - 15:45

This is great - Civi's absence in previous years was always amiss.

2024-05-29 - 16:15
