CiviCRM at JoomlaDay NYC

2012-08-04 09:56
Written by
lcdweb - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

If you are a Joomla+CiviCRM user or implementer in the New York City region, you may be interested in some upcoming sessions at JoomlaDay NYC, September 22-23. Details are here:

On Saturday I'll be leading an Intro to CiviCRM session that will provide an overview of CiviCRM functionality and touch on some key administrator/implementer considerations.

On Sunday we'll do a developer session that covers implementing CiviCRM hooks through Joomla plugins, PHP/tpl override directories, and an introduction to the API.

If anyone from the CiviCRM community is considering attending and has specific things they'd like to see covered, please comment through this blog and I'll see if I can work it in.

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