Next stop Bristol for CiviCRM UK usergroup

2008-07-04 06:50
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Next meet up for the UK usergroup will be at the Create Centre in Bristol on Tuesday 22nd July, 4-6pm. Thanks to Dave Moreton, Circle Interactive, and and Sean Kenny, VOSCUR, for kindly organising and donating the venue. We're keeping the agenda open and attendee led so it is of maximum use: we'll start with introductions and a couple of short presentations (volunteers, anyone?), and then follow with an open discussion/round table. From the conversations so far in the forum, it looks like we'll have a mix of developers, current users, and people interested in finding out if CiviCRM is right for them. Feel free to use the new UK board (thanks a lot to CiviCRM core team for organising that) to tell everyone what you'd like to talk about. It should be a great opportunity to meet other users, learn from each other, and explore ways to collaborate. More on the Create centre here. Directions on how to get there here.
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