CiviSEPA - Direct Debit for Everyone!

2015-05-12 00:21
Written by
mpeth - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

On last year's CiviCon in London we presented the first stable release of CiviSEPA 1.0 - a fully integrated solution for direct debit payments in the Single Euro Payments Area.

Since then, many organisations have processed millions of euros in donations, membership and participant fees without having to spend a single cent on payment processor or buero fees.

What you will get with the current stable version

In March 2015, based on our client's feedback, we released CiviSEPA 1.1. This version now features an easy configuration UI and lets you manage multiple creditors with individual settings. Furthermore, the Update provides a nice integration with CiviCRM's online contribution and event registration pages, as well as the Little BIC Extension. It also includes many minor improvements and bugfixes.

Please find more information on CiviSEPA on this Wiki-Page: It is compatible with 4.4. and 4.5 - so far we didn't have the opportunity for extensive 4.6 tests but we don't expect too many issues.

CiviSEPA is also nicely integrated with the extension CiviBanking which offers a very sophisticated framework for importing bank account statements and matching the enclosed payments with contributions and contacts in CiviCRM. 

Start using and supporting CiviSEPA now!

For your basic SEPA requirements, simply download and install the extension from within CiviCRM or from a GitHub release, read the documentation and you should be good to go. Of course, feel free to work on the code yourself or contact us for professional support if you need to adapt or enhance CiviSEPA for your organisation's need.

We have a number of nice features, enhancements and improvements planned for version 1.2 and/or later versions, including:

  • Compatibility with 4.6 and 4.7
  • UI to import mandates
  • filter options for SEPA-groups UI
  • manual adaption of mandate reference numbers

Please support us to implement those features, to keep CiviSEPA well maintained and DD payments free! We'd like to encourage you to share your experiences, share your documentation, and share your code modifications! And please understand that we can't do all improvements and bug fixes for free.

So far we've put more than 130 days into the development and testing of CiviSEPA - only about half of that was paid for. If you consider sponsoring a feature or supporting us in any other way, please contact us via GitHubemail or phone (+49 228 96104990).




This seems like a great project which reflects a lot of dedication and collaboration.

Watching from the other side of the Atlantic, I can't help thinking that the staff at American non-profits would feel a bit jealous if they could see the opportunity that open-source SEPA creates for European non-profits...

Congratulations for that new releases. I've add the pleasure to work with Bjorn and his collegues on that project, and can confirm there is a lot of hours behind that extension, but the result is really worthwhile.

If you are an NGO in Europe and not using sepa, you should.