New CiviCRM extension to integrate HelloAsso payments (France)

2024-08-02 15:57
Written by
usha.makoa - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We are thrilled to announce the release of a new CiviCRM extension : the integration of the HelloAsso Checkout payment system.

HelloAsso is a very popular online fundraising platform for non-profits in France. Over 200,000 non-profits already use HelloAsso to manage their memberships, donations, events and online sales. This 100% free solution for non-profits makes it easy to manage payments.

The "HelloAsso Payment Processor" extension allows to seamlessly integrate HelloAsso as a payment option in CiviCRM. Contributions recorded in CiviCRM can thus be paid via HelloAsso, which greatly simplifies the experience for contributors.

A collaborative effort

This first normalized version of the extension is the result of a collaborative effort between several members of the CiviCRM community :

  • Sidney and Pierre, talented developers, carried out the initial development of the extension. Thanks !
  • The Makoa team (Antoine and Dewy) then took over the project to finalize and package the extension.
  • Several CiviCRM partners contributed to project, by funding or advices : All in Appli, SOS Homophobie, Coop SymbioTIC and Inoede.

We warmly thank all the people involved in this project. It is a great example of collaboration within the CiviCRM community.


Here are the main features of this extension :

  • Use of HelloAsso as a payment option for contributions
  • Synchronization of HelloAsso payments to CiviCRM

The extension is available for free on the CiviCRM extension directory.

You can now install it on your CiviCRM system and enjoy the integration with HelloAsso.

Please feel free to give us your feedback on this extension. And contribute to improve its development if it's useful ! We have a roadmap...

Your suggestions will help us improve the tool to better meet the needs of non-profits using CiviCRM and HelloAsso.

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