Announcing 2.1 Stable

2008-10-01 15:21
Written by
Dave Greenberg - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
After more than 7 months of design, development and QA - the team is thrilled to announce the release of CiviCRM 2.1 Stable. You can download the release AND / OR try it out on our public demo site. 2.1 features a number of exciting new features, including...
  • Joomla! 1.5 and Drupal 6 compatibility (CiviCRM 2.1 is NOT compatible with Drupal 5.x or Joomla! 1.0.x)
  • Production-ready "standalone" version of CiviCRM (with thanks to U.S. PIRG)
  • Contribution Pledges (back-office and self-service)
  • Multi-language / single site support (with thanks to Google Summer of Code and the Joomla! team)
  • Nesting (hierarchy) for groups (with thanks to U.S. PIRG)
  • Contribution, participant and membership export improvements (with thanks to American Friends Service Committee)
  • CiviCRM Home / Dashboard customization (with thanks to Frontline Defenders)
  • Several usabiilty improvements including basic and quick search improvements (with thanks to CivicActions), and elimination of the annoying page reloads when entering contributions, memberships, and event registrations.
  • FCKEdit and TinyMCE rich text editors
  • Early-bird (date-based) discounts for events
  • Multi-participant event registration
  • Dedupe design and scalability improvements
  • New tools for developers to extend and customize CiviCRM - including form hooks, adding PHP to custom fields, REST support for selected APIs, DB-driven menus and more.
  • .... and 200+ more smaller improvements and bug fixes
You can find Release Highlights here, and check out the resolved issues listing for details on the 570+ improvements and bug fixes. A big round of applause is due to all the folks who downloaded, tested and submitted bug reports during the 2.1 release cycle. The alpha and beta packages were downloaded more than 4,000 times . 250+ bugs and "improvements" were reported by community members and fixed by the team during the release cycle. A special shout-out goes to some of the "heroes" who made significant contributions through both design and testing of this release - Mark Burdett, Chris Burgess, Matt Chapman, Peter Davis, Father Shawn (Duncan), Xavier Dutoit, Tony Guzman, Dave Hansen-Lange, Eileen McNaughton, Wes Morgan, Chris Mott, Brian Shaughnessy, Cynthia Tarascio, Elin Waring. This is another huge increase improvement in community participation in bullet-proofing a release - and should help make this our highest quality release yet.  


You can download CiviCRM 2.1 at our download page. Select from the civicrm-stable section. The filenames include the 2.1 label: civicrm-2.1.0…. Be sure and download the correct version for your CMS (Drupal / Joomla! / Standalone).  

New 2.1 Installations

If you are installing CiviCRM 2.1 from scratch, use the installation instructions linked below:  

Upgrading from 2.0 to 2.1

If you are upgrading an existing 2.0 site (working with a copy of the site, of course), we have provided a browser-based database upgrade script. Instructions for upgrading are here:  

Upgrading 2.1 Beta to 2.1 Stable

There are no database / schema changes - so you can upgrade from 2.1 beta to stable by following the "Upgrade to a new Revision" procedures:  

Reporting Issues and Bugs

We look forward to getting your feedback on the release in the coming days. If you have questions about installing, upgrading and / or using 2.1 features - or you're seeing a problem and you're not sure if it's a bug - please post your issue to the applicable section of the Community Forum. Include as many specifics as possible about the issue or question. Bugs should be reported via our issue tracking system. Please select 2.1 in the ‘Affects Version’ dropdown. You will need to register as a user – this ensures that we can follow-up with you on your bug reports if necessary. Please ensure that the bug you’ve found is not reported already by checking the open issues queue.
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Congratulations to CiviCRM team! This is a great release.

From a Joomla fan... Thank you!!!


Have a nice day :)

Beside the new features, beside the small contributions, beside the numerous improvements, I would like to congratulate because you are a brilliant example in the way you've been able to enlarge and engage the community, to listen to our suggestions and accept our requests and suggestions.

I hope we'll be even better at bringing actual code for the 2.2

