CiviCRM Architecture - Object Structure and SQL/DAO Generation

2006-11-11 04:28
Written by
Dave Greenberg - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines
CiviCRM uses the PEAR package DB_DataObject to access the mysql database. Doing so reduces the amount of sql we need to write to fetch / store values for a single table. For queries involving more than one table, we write them manually since since it was fairly painful to try to force complicated queries using DB_DataObject (we did use DB_DO for multiple table queries when we wrote EmailNow, in the end we felt the hoops we had to jump through was not worth the effort and hence the current scheme) The basic PHP classes that represent a table are called DAO's (Data Access Objects). These are generated automatically by (xml/GenCode.php) which also generates the sql structure for that specific table. The xml files representing the schema is stored under CIVCRM_ROOT/xml/schema. The sql file generated (civicrm_41.mysql and civicrm_40.mysql) are stored under CIVICRM_ROOT/sql (note that the generated files are not present in the svn repository). The DAO files are stored under CIVICRM_ROOT/CRM/Core/DAO (and under appropriate directories based on what table it is, this is configured in the xml representation. Each table has the following properties
  • base: The directory where the DAO class is stored
  • class: The name of the PHP Class. Since PHP does have very good namespace support, we follow the PEAR convention of naming classes as a combination of directory and class names. Thus the table civicrm_domain has a class name of CRM_Core_DAO_Domain
  • name: The table name
  • comment: The comment field
  • add: The CiviCRM version when this table was added to the schema
  • drop: The CiviCRM version when this table was dropped from the schema
Each table is made up of a combination of field, index, primaryKey and foreignKey. Each field has the following properties
  • name: The name of the field
  • title: The title of the field. Used in various selectors in import/export etc
  • type: The sql type of this field, possible options include varchar, text, int, boolean, decimal, date, datetime, enum
  • length: The length of the field if its of type varchar
  • default: The default value for this field
  • required: If this field is required
  • import: If this field can be imported
  • export: If this field can be exported
  • log: If any modifications to this field should be logged
  • rule: A validation rule for this field
  • add: The CiviCRM version when this field was added to the schema
  • drop: The CiviCRM version when this field was dropped from the schema
Each DAO file inherits from the base class CRM_Core_DAO, which in turn inherits from DB_DataObject. Some of the important DAO properties are:
  • static $_tableName: The name of the table it represents
  • static $_fields: The columns that make up this table (along with the above values that are encoded in the xml as described above
  • static $_links: The foreign key relationships that this table has
  • $fieldName: An entry for each column in the table
DAO objects inherit quite a few functions from the parent class (CRM_Core_DAO) and the grandparent class (DB_DataObject). These include functions to save and retrieve the object from the database along with a fair number of helper functions. For folks keeping track of CiviCRM issues and bugs, the memory issue was due to DB_DataObject caching all query results and CiviCRM not releasing them back to the system on a regular basis. (we still need to do some work to clean this part of the codebase) Since DAO objects are auto generated, we cannot add any additional functionality to them. So we introduce a new object called the BAO (business access object) which inherits from the corresponding DAO object and adds business logic to this object. Thus the CRM_Contact_BAO_Contact knows all about the mysteries and links of a contact object and we add high level functions to create/edit/delete a contact object in the BAO. For more details please browse the civicrm_41.mysql and the BAO/DAO files of your favorite table. An ERD of the CiviCRM schema (contributed by Ben V) can be seen here
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Anonymous (not verified)
2010-07-22 - 09:36


Is this still accurate as the most authoritative first place to start for understanding CiviCRM architecture, up to and including 3.2beta?

I'm aware of the updated ERD database diagram at

This is the closest I can find to a documentation front page on DAO, BAO etc (I may be looking in the wrong places). leads to this blog series!

feel free to ask us questions or clarifications on IRC
