Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Restrict file upload if not of the type defined in Safe file extension. The extension also restricts file type upload on a specific custom fields defined in field settings.
Current Usage: 0
Click to Call extension for CiviCRM
Current Usage: 0
Sets a predefined string format (i,.e. UPPERCASE, lowercase, Capitalize, etc), to Entities' string fields when this is saved or updated.
Current Usage: 0
Synchronises CiviCRM contacts to HubSpot.
Current Usage: 0
Provides a way to bulk-update recurring contribution records, e.g. if your membership prices go up.
Current Usage: 0
An APIv3 tool that run synthetic benchmarks using various CiviCRM and non-CiviCRM components so that it can simulate a heavy workload and introduce stress-test on to the server that it's being used. The output of the benchmark results displays in the console and to comma delimited CSV file(s).
Current Usage: 0
Allows administrators to change an event's "creator". This is helpful if you use the "creator" field to control access to contacts with [View My Event Participants](https://civicrm.org/extensions/view-my-event-participants). You can also use it to create Views or SearchKit displays of a person's events.
Current Usage: 0
This extension converts organization text field in on behalf profile to autocomplete.
Current Usage: 0
Allows to search for sort_name OR display_name when searching for the contact name. Works both in generic search (Search -> Search contacts) as well as quick search.

Current Usage: 0
This CiviCRM Devices Extension provides Internet of Things (IOT) functionality. The extension comes with an API and a number of reports. The extension has a menu on the main toolbar and a menu under the contacts module which is contact specific. The extension allows users to create devices and link one or more devices to a contact. Each device can have one or more sensors eg. temperature, blood pressure, heart rate, weight, location etc. The extension provides basic analytics graphs that can be exported. The extension has customizable alarms that can be triggered based on an alarm rule. Finally the extension has customizable alerts that can be triggered based on an alert rule to create a note in CiviCRM or send an email. In future the extension will send messages via SMS and popular messaging platforms.
Current Usage: 0
Create SQL to replace the contents of your database with gibberish! e.g. developers might use this as part of a strategy to anonymise or at least obscure data for testing, training and development purposes.
Current Usage: 0
This CiviCRM Extension has captures an electronic signature as an image and attaches it to a contact.
Current Usage: 0
Experimental extension using **Sensei Extensions' Development Framework** as base.

Current Usage: 0
Integrating the MJML (www.mjml.io) syntax into CiviCRM Mailing with the GrapesJS editor.
Current Usage: 0
Sample extension to help get started writing Mink automated front-end tests for CiviCRM.
Current Usage: 0