Extensions Directory

Extensions are installable packages which give CiviCRM new functionality, and this directory provides a centralized list of extensions which the CiviCRM community has created. This listing displays CiviCRM extensions that work on all Content Management Systems (CMS).

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Platform integrations

As well as extensions that install within CiviCRM and work on all CMSs listed below, you can browse directories of integrations that are made specifically for Backdrop, Drupal, Joomla and WordPress.

Allows Admins to set up a 'main/parent' event with some 'related/child' events, such that registering for the 'main/parent' event also registers the participant to all the 'related/child' events.

Set up involves specifying the Event ID of the 'main/parent' event in the custom field on the 'related/child' events.

Such registrations can then be overridden if necessary by admin, eg if a user signs up for an event series E1, E2, E3 etc, but are then unable to attend E3, they can be instead registered for F3 for example
Current Usage: 16
This extension allows you to choose a set of groups which will be added to new contacts if the logged in contact is also in that group.
Current Usage: 16
This extension creates archive list of public mailings in CiviCRM. You will need to enable the "CiviMail: view public mail" permission. This only pulls completed mailings that have the "Public Pages" set for the visibility.
Current Usage: 16
Adds a user interface for adding custom fields to soft credits. Also adds searching by soft creditee name.
Current Usage: 15
This extension allows to find and export payment(s) for contribution(s).
Current Usage: 15
Current Usage: 15
This extension add the nationality field to individuals. The option group is filled from a text file in the extension.
Current Usage: 15
An experimental improvement for log messages. This is to improve developer/admin experience and is of no interest to anyone who does not need to comb through log messages.
Current Usage: 14
JSON Editor is a extensions that includes the JS library https://github.com/json-editor/json-editor, to be used as part of any dynamic-generated form in any other extension.
Current Usage: 14
This extension allows to define permissions on From Email Addresses, based on CMS roles and relationships of the logged in user.
Current Usage: 14
Simple administrative helper to send yourself a message template for testing purposes.
Current Usage: 14
Hierarchical ACL - Add ACL based on a Relationships Hierarchical Structure
Current Usage: 14
This provides a page with copies of HTML snippets in use throughout CiviCRM. e.g. (at least pre 5.31) buttons were coded in many different ways; this extension has a copy of each type of button on one page so you can check if your theme renders them nicely. This was originally part of Artful Robot's "Aah" theme, but it was suggested that this be extracted.
Current Usage: 14
Minimalist tool to efficiently identify households based on last name and address, and offer functions to create households
Current Usage: 14