Phone Number Validator Version 2.10.0

Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="com.civifirst.phonenumbervalidator" type="module">
<name>Phone Number Validator</name>
<description>The popular UK Phone Number Validator has been rewritten to support multiple countries' phone systems and common formatting options.
If your country's phone system is missing, please submit an issue on GitHub so that I can add it. Countries supported: Australia, Belgium, Britain, Denmark, France, Germany, Ireland, Malaysia, the Netherlands, Norway, North America, Poland, Spain, South Africa, Switzerland, Vanuatu.</description>
<author>John P Kirk</author>
<url desc="Main Extension Page"></url>
<url desc="Documentation"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
<url desc="Licensing"></url>
<comments>This is the current version. The old UK Phone Number Validator is considered deprecated.</comments>
<category>Data Cleaning</category>