Managing Webinars with CiviCRM

2020-07-17 12:51
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roshani - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

With the new reality of living with Covid-19, it is difficult to host in-person meetings. At Plastic Pollution Coalition, we used to host in-person coalition meetings in several cities as a way for people to learn and network with others in their community. In June, we transitioned to doing webinars. Although it's difficult for people to network during webinars, we can still continue sharing best practices and have a dialogue with our community.

Bringing in the New Year with what NOT to do

2025-01-01 11:48
Written by
Stoob - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

We're bringing in the New Year by taking a break from the normal production of more CiviAcademy video tutorials in order to provide a light-hearted look at what may be equally important: what NOT to do in CiviCRM.

If you're new to CiviCRM or even considering using it, our Top 10 Most Common Mistakes Users Make in CiviCRM video showcase could prove to be an invaluable resource!

CiviCRM on Drupal 7 is Reaching End of Life: What Are Your Next Steps?

2024-12-08 04:26
Written by
pkeogan - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Drupal 7 will go end-of-life on January 5, 2025

With the end-of-life, security updates for Drupal 7 will cease, leaving your CiviCRM website vulnerable to threats and potentially facing compatibility issues. It's crucial to understand your options and take action to ensure your site's security and functionality.

My CiviCRM Site Is Running Drupal 7. What Can I Do?

All is not lost! Organizations running CiviCRM on Drupal 7 still have viable options. 

CiviCRM Support for D7

2024-12-05 06:32
Written by
josh - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

For 2025, the CiviCRM-D7 integration will continue to receive basic support, but usage is discouraged. Specifically:

CIVI-PSA-2024-01: wkhtmltopdf (EOL)

2024-10-16 13:00
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CiviCRM generates *.pdf files with the assistance of a PDF engine. It is compatible with multiple engines, including the default DOMPDF and the alternative wkhtmltopdf. The latter option is now unsupported and insecure. Sites should remove it.

(Note: wkhtmltopdf is not distributed by CiviCRM. This is a public service announcement to alert people who may have installed wkhtmltopdf as an add-on.)

CIVI-SA-2024-05: Multiple AJAX End-Points (CSRF)

2024-10-16 12:00
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Multiple AJAX end-points may be vulnerable to Cross Site Request Forgery.

This release updates a large number of older end-points originating circa CiviCRM 1.x-3.x. Detailed severity ratings were not assessed for all these end-points, but several samples were assessed. The severity ranged from "Not Critical" to "Moderately Critical". Thus, the overall issue is classified as "Moderately Critical".