CIVI-SA-2022-03: Permission Advice

2022-03-16 12:00
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This is not a security vulnerability. It is a mitigation to protect against misconfiguration.

CiviCRM includes a large number of configurable permissions. Administrators may assign these permissions to various users and roles. This is powerful functionality that accommodates diverse needs, but it provides the opportunity for misconfiguration.

Misconfigurations may arise for a few reasons, such as:

I Stand With Ukraine

2022-03-14 03:25
Written by
josh - member of the CiviCRM community and Core Team member - about the Core Team

A few weeks prior to 24 February, I’d given up reading the news. It was a very happy time. Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, it’s been hard not to jump back into my Google news feed and periodically check in at NPR. Given the rise of misinformation over the past few years, it’s hard to know what is accurate and what isn’t, so much of what I read I take with a grain of salt.


Release Date
Release Version
Release Status
Release CiviCRM Compatibility
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<extension key="finsburypark" type="module">
<name>Finsbury Park Theme</name>
<description>Lightweight cross-CMS CiviCRM admin theme.</description>
<author>Nicol Wistreich</author>
<url desc="Main Extension Page"></url>
<url desc="Support"></url>
<url desc="Licensing"></url>
<comments>A cross-CMS CiviCRM admin theme.</comments>
<psr4 prefix="Civi\" path="Civi"/>

CiviCRM 5.44 Release

2021-12-02 04:00
Written by
dev-team - official CiviCRM announcement

CiviCRM version 5.44.0 is now out and ready to download. This is a regular monthly release.

Upgrade now for the most stable CiviCRM experience:

Users of the CiviCRM Extended Security Releases (ESR) do not need to upgrade, as there are no ESR-specific bug-fixes or security issues at the moment. The current version of ESR is CiviCRM 5.39.x.