On-line CiviCRM training by Australian CiviCRM Partner, Agileware

2019-06-20 23:14
Written by
justinfreeman - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Australians helping Australians get the most out of civiCRM

Agileware have been training Australians in CiviCRM for over 2 years. Our training sessions are a fantastic way to get up to speed quickly without having commit your entire day and attend out of normal business hours. Each training session is focussed on a specific topic relevant to your role and is only a 2-hour commitment. Training is led by an experienced CiviCRM implementor and instructor.

Very affordable, costing only $AUD 75 fee for each session. 

You can browse the current training schedule at, https://agileware.com.au/events/

Agileware CiviCRM training sessions include:

  • Introduction to CiviCRM
  • Using CiviCRM to design newsletters and track engagement
  • Using CiviCRM to manage conferences, workshops and training events
  • Integrating CiviCRM with on-line accounting systems: MYOB, QuickBooks or Xero
  • Donations and fundraising management with CiviCRM
  • Using CiviCRM as a membership management system
  • Customising CiviCRM for your organisation
  • Importing and exporting data using CiviCRM
Agileware also deliver training sessions explaining how CiviCRM integrates with commonly used Content Management Systems such as WordPress and Drupal. So you can get more out of both your website and integration with CiviCRM.
  • Introduction to Drupal
  • Integrating Drupal and CiviCRM
  • Introduction to WordPress
  • Integrating WordPress and CiviCRM

Each training session is strictly limited to 5 registrations only, so there is no over crowding and you have the opportunity to ask questions and interact with fellow CiviCRM users. Don't wait, sign up today! https://agileware.com.au/events/