Announcing CiviCRM conference in Brussels | February 2018

2017-11-07 12:59
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We are excited to announce the CiviCRM conference in Brussels in February 2018!

User Conference

The 1-day user conference (aka CiviCamp) on Monday 5 February 2018 is the conference for seasoned CiviCRM users, and people considering using CiviCRM. The conference will be packed with the essential presentations, workshops and people that will help your organisation get the most from CiviCRM.


Following the user conference, there will be a non-residential 4-day sprint for contributors.

It will be held in the center of Brussels from Tuesday 6 February till Friday 9 February. It is an opportunity to help push the CiviCRM project forward: add new functionality, fix bugs, improve marketing materials, document new features, interact with core team members and fellow CiviCRM-developers... and enjoy the capital of Europe.

Call for Sessions and Sponsors

Would you like to give a presentation on 5 February 2018? Or present an interesting case study? Or perhaps sponsor the event?

Let us know:

Register NOW

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