A very good laugh on a dead serious topic!

2014-09-10 13:34
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Today is a very special day: Sept. 10th is the Internet Slowdown. And you have most probably hear of Net Neutrality and seen the banners on prominent web properties such as WordPress, Mozzilla, Namecheap, Reddit, Netflix, Google, Vimeo, Tumblr, Foursquare, Etsy, Meetup, Digg, ACLU, EFF, Open Media and more than 7,000 other websites.

But ... whether:

  • you know what this is all about or are totally ignorant on the topic,
  • you want to get involved or couldn't care less,
  • you are in the United States, Europe or any other part of the world,

... you HAVE to see this amazing video by famous comedian John Oliver.

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Net Neutrality (HBO)

This is going to make your day!


Thank you - got through first few minutes and intend subjecting whole family to it ;-)