New reports for pledges

2017-02-06 04:06
Written by
Eileen - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

Over the past year I have been volunteering time to help out in the effort to raise funds for the Hundertwasser Art Centre. In order to help the HAC project I have added a couple of reports that may be useful for other pledge users (or possibly sites that track money received through campaigns).

The HAC project seeks to raise money to convert an existing building into the design gifted to the city by Friedensreich Hundertwasser . Money is being raised from a variety of sources (general public, grants, government, naming-rights purchasers, philanthropists etc.) and it comes in as a combination of donations and pledges.

In order to track these different sources we created campaigns for them and set goals for each campaign. I then created a report to track progress against these campaigns. The thing that is different about this report is that it tracks both contributions and pledges, so the total raised is all received money and all promised money.


Here is a screen shot of the report using made-up data/ campaigns:

Campaign Progress Report


Another slightly special requirement in this project is to be able to do a cash flow forecast of pledged money. When construction starts on the building it will be necessary to know when materials can be purchased. In order to achieve this I added the 'Future Income Report'. The report can be grouped in different ways but the example below shows what money will come in each month. The running total is useful to see how much will have come in by date x. Note that the contacts each row are represented as a list.



I also use the same report, with no grouping, to see upcoming payments and to record them. This is primarily because it is quite hard work to record pledge payments in bulk in CiviCRM and this provides a slightly easier interface.



These reports have been added to the extended reports extension. Note that the version of the extended reports extension that they work with only runs on 4.7. I am no longer supporting versions 4.2 to 4.6 in the extension for future releases. Previously published releases will continue to work on older versions. At some point this year I hope to discontinue support for php 5.3 & 5.4 (which are both end of life)

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