The Python Software Foundation (PSF) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit that supports the popular, open source Python programming language. The PSF manages trademarks, supports conferences, and facilitates the growth of a diverse and international community of Python programmers through grant and outreach programs.
The PSF has used CiviCRM since 2011 to manage over $70,000 in donations to a variety of sub-organizations, including local Python user groups, regional conferences, and outreach initiatives.
One notable CiviCRM campaign with the Python outreach group PyLadies has raised over $30,000. This amount, in addition to funding from The PSF, helps women attend PyCon, a yearly Python conference attracting community members from all over the world. PyLadies estimates that fully sponsoring someone runs $500 - $1000 per domestic attendee and $1000 - $2000 per international attendee. However, typically only partial sponsorship is needed. Through these and other outreach efforts, PyCon has seen a huge jump in the percentage of attendees and speakers who are women, reaching over 20% in 2013. Fundraising through CiviCRM is already in motion for PyCon 2014, with the community working hard to have another record-breaking year for conference diversity.
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