CiviCon London wrapped up last week, with over 150 attendees attending more than 30 information-packed sessions. It was great to have such engaging presentations, representatives from the core team talking about the direction of the project, and so many long-term contributors around. But for me, this is the most valuable thing about attending CiviCon...
You get the chance to meet, and put faces to, the names that flicker across the chatrooms, issue queues and StackExchange. You realise that you’re not part of a virtual network of people - you’re part of a real community of users, implementers and developers. A community that is full of passionate people who don’t just want to help create a great CRM, but want to make a positive impact on the world by using it.
Organisations big and small were represented at the conference, and attendees ranged across the entire spectrum of user and developer, experienced and new to the software. You can always find somebody there on your wavelength, to learn from and share your experiences with.
So if you’ve been thinking of attending, but never have, then just come along. No more excuses! (Don’t forget there are bursaries available too!) Ask your questions, meet the real people behind the project, and the real people pushing it forward. If you’re a developer, corner the people you want to speak to, and don’t let them leave until they’re reviewed your pull request.
I’m writing this as the sprint in Edale is wrapping up. I can’t wait to see the awesomeness that is bound to come out of so many talented people focusing their efforts (in the beautiful English countryside!).
So all that remains is to say thank you to Compucorp and sponsors for sorting out the conference, and thank you to everyone who came; see you next year!
See you next year!
CiviCon London wraps up major CiviCRM events for 2016, however we're already in the works planning for next year. Several CiviCons around the world are taking shape, bringing together prospective and current end-users, administrators and developers of CiviCRM for content-rich discussions, lectures and networking. New for 2017, we're bringing one day, user focused CiviCamps to the CiviCRM community in order to offer more opportunities for discovery and hands on training. CiviCRM continues to host local events, such as meetups, workshops and trainings as well as online discovery and partner-led training webinars.