Developer Training Returns in Manchester

2022-08-30 01:27
Written by
josh - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

After a long hiatus, CiviCRM Developer Training is back! If you're looking to sharpen your skills or become actively engaged in CiviCRM development for the first time then you won't want to miss the developer training in Manchester, UK on 6 & 7 October. 

Developer training will take place prior to the 2022 sprint in Manchester, which itself is shaping up to be an impressive event with some of the community's most active contributors attending.

Join Core Team members Tim Otten and Eileen McNaughton, and (highly) active contributors Matt Wire and Aidan Saunders for a two day intensive on all things development in CiviCRM.

Training details

This comprehensive two-day hands on training course is targeted at developers who want to learn more about configuring, customizing, and extending CiviCRM to meet their organization / client needs. You don't need to be a 'developer' to attend but you should have basic PHP and MySQL skills, and be familiar with (or at least ready to dive into) the CiviCRM code base.

At its core is a set of sessions that cover everything you need to get your development environment up and running, and to start writing extensions and improving core.


Participants should bring a laptop with wifi capabilities to this training so they can take part in training exercises. You should have a local copy of the latest stable release of CiviCRM installed and running on your laptop, as well as a text editor that you can use to view and edit PHP and HTML code.

New to CiviCRM?

If you are new to CiviCRM, we strongly recommend that you review the free online docs, especially the developer section, in preparation for the training. We also encourage you to review the CiviCRM architecture blog posts.


The cost of training is $250 and does not include food or lodging. We're running a tight ship here, so you'll need to take care of your accommodations.

The cost of training + attending the sprint is $300 (15% off!). We would highly recommend complementing your developer training with several days of sprinting along side CiviCRM's top contributors. You'll find the experience invaluable and likely to solidify what you learn in the training.

All fees cover event costs. Any surpluses support the CiviCRM project.