2023-07-04 11:44
Please join me in congratulating the new CiviCRM Community Council.
There are 11 positions on the council, and we had 11 individuals with two community members who vouched for them, so they are all acclaimed.
The new membership is as follows :
- aliceaguilar (Alice Aguilar)
- alisonb (Alison Barham)
- genadellett (Gena Dellett)
- junglebird (Jon Goldberg)
- dhirst (Donald (Don) Hirst)
- ehommel (Erik Hommel)
- joemurray (Joe Murray)
- hroliver (Heather Oliver)
- gerhard (Gerhard Peilstöcker)
- neil (Neil Planchon)
- detlev (Detlev Sieber)
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