Advanced Reporting with Jasper

2022-06-24 04:31
Written by
kbeireis - member of the CiviCRM community - view blog guidelines

So you have loads of useful data in your CiviCRM database… but the core CiviCRM reports just aren't cutting it. What to do? A number of our clients have worked around this by utilizing Jasper Reports, an open source tool that allows for building complex and flexible reports using data, read directly from CiviCRM.

The availability of the affordable Jasper Server via Bitnami's cloud hosting makes it easy to add reporting functionality to your toolbox. Bitnami has greatly simplified the process for Jasper Server hosting, making it as close to one-click as possible.

The very reasonable cost of Bitnami's Jasper hosting (around $50-$60/mo, depending of course on your specific needs) places Jasper reporting in reach of organizations that might not have been able to afford other options. Once the server is set up, organizations can create a number of reports that provide a solid starting point to better understand and engage their constituents. Create reports on the basis of donation levels, participation in events, or length of membership (just to name a few criteria you might use).

How can you use Jasper?

In the video below, there are four samples of reports that our clients have requested. We utilize their CiviCRM and Magento databases, pulling the data in new and interesting ways:

  • Daily reconciliation report - Need to see your CiviCRM and store data in one report, to reconcile against your payment processor? See a sample of a spreadsheet with daily transactions from both CiviCRM and Magento, emailed to the client each morning.
  • Historical statistics - If you're storing historical statistics (e.g., attendance and pledges for a church), these can be pulled from your database and presented in graphical format.
  • Participant report by price set - Are you registering users for events with multiple sessions or workshops? That information can be pulled for handy lists so you can see at a glance how many attendees you have signed up for each session.
  • Donated in period A but not period B - Want to track how engaged your contributors are and how regularly they donate? Puzzled by fluctuations in your monthly contributions? See a sample of a report that shows you who donated in one period of time but not another.

If your organization needs more than the core CiviCRM reports, Jasper Reporting might just be the solution you’re looking for.

At BackOffice Thinking, we focus on technology so nonprofits can focus on their mission.

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